27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Redundancy in the English Language
Whenever we communicate, rules everywhere restrict our freedom to choose the next letter and the next pineapple.I Because these rules render certain patterns more likely and certain patterns almost impossible, languages like English come well short of complete uncertainty and maximal information: the sequence “th” has already occurred 6,431 times in this book, the sequence “tk” just this once. From the perspective of the information theorist, our languages are hugely predictable— al...Monte Carlo method for building words and sentences.
05 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
The Monte Carlo Method and Evolutionary Algorithms
Back then, I thought of one thing: Have you heard of the Monte Carlo method? Ah, it’s a computer algorithm often used for calculating the area of irregular shapes. Specifically, the software puts the figure of interest in a figure of known area, such as a circle, and randomly strikes it with many tiny balls, never targeting the same spot twice. After a large number of balls, the proportion of balls that fall within the irregular shape compared to the total number of balls used to hit the ci...Folksonomies: algorithms evolutionary algorithms
Folksonomies: algorithms evolutionary algorithms
26 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
π in Base-26 Will Produce All the Works of Shakespeare
Base 26 is one of two fairly natural ways of representing numbers
as text using a 26-letter alphabet. The number of interest is
expressed numerically in base 26, and then the 26 different base-26
digits are identified with letters as 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, ... 25=Z.
Here are the first 100 digits of pi expressed in this way:
Lo! At the 6th digit we find a two-letter word (LO), and only a
...By assigning letters to numbers in the irrational number, we can produce the effect of a million monkeys on a million typewriters for a million years.